Fresh, Decadent Figs are Ready for You


Have you enjoyed a fresh fig lately?
Plump, moist and sweet - such a delight. Yet fresh figs are fickle: Here today, gone tomorrow (details, below). We’ve been busy picking and preserving this year’s sweet, succulent figs for you to enjoy today - and tomorrow! Try our decadent Fig and Honey and Bourbon Fig now.

Georgia Jams Harvest Journal

Safe & Clean: Our production areas are properly distanced, our team members safely masked, our cleanliness and sanitation continue to exceed high standards, and more.

Orchard to Jam Kitchen: Unlike our leisurely peaches, “[Figs and] time wait for no man.” Figs ripen on-tree and must be hand-picked the same day. In hot, steamy Georgia, figs ripen in 1-2 “flushes” each August.

The perils of fig-picking make for quite an adventure. Heat waves, humidity, sticky-itchy-sweaty-sappiness, and not to mention - Wasps and Mosquitoes and Ants, oh my!

We are fortunate to get delicious, succulent figs from our partner, Miss Wendy, in Fayetteville, GA, and
a special orchard right here in Griffin.

Jam Sessions: It’s no “fig”-ment of your imagination, Chef Lori’s Fig and Honey and Bourbon Fig elevate figs to the next, decadent level. She complements their richness with warm, late-summer flavors - wildflower honey, vanilla, and the earthy, caramel essence of good, Southern bourbon. You’ll love it!

Georgia Jams